$ 115.00   USD
  • Course Code:  PMOL001

  • Term:  Winter

  • Start Date:  Jan 24 2017

  • End Date:  Mar 21 2017

  • Enroll by:  Mar 7 2017

  • Duration:  8 weeks

  • Course Author(s)
    James White Ph.D

This course has ended

Original Price:   $ 115.00   USD
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Thoracic Anatomy


  • Jwhitephoto110x110
    Jim White
  • Default user
    Anne Trumbore



Certificate of Completion


In our Anatomy of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems lecture series, we bring a new and better way of teaching anatomy, histology and imaging of the heart and lungs using the extraordinary images from textbooks and atlases published by Elsevier. Using 3-D simulations of the heart and lung developed by BioLucid, and embryologic animations from Elsevier, we provide a dramatic way to enhance the understanding of how these organs function.


  • Define and discuss the structures that make up the thoracic wall and how muscles, bones and cartilages of the wall participate in the process of respiration.

  • Compare and contrast the regional differences of structures situated in the mediastinum.

  • Describe the differences in the anatomy of the right versus the left lung, the arrangement of structures in the root of each lung and how each lung utilizes its pleural relationships to function.

  • Summarize the differences in the structure of the atria and ventricles of the heart, how these chambers contract and how this activity is correlated with when the atrioventricular and semilunar valves are open or closed.

  • Analyze and identify anatomic structures in plain films or other imaging modalities.

  • Compare and contrast the differences in the histologic structure of the walls of the heart, bronchi, bronchioles and lung alveoli.


dr-white-phdJAMES S. WHITE. Ph.D.

James S. White, Ph.D., is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology in the Perelman School of Medicine, where he participates in the teaching of a number of courses, including Human Gross Anatomy, Cell and Tissue Biology and Brain and Behavior. Dr. White has been teaching at the University of Pennsylvania for 25 years.

He is the is the author of two review books, USMLE Road Map Neuroscience (2008 McGraw-Hill) and USMLE Road Map Gross Anatomy (2006 McGraw-Hill), and a co-author of the Kaplan Medical USMLE Step 1 Anatomy Lecture Notes.

Dr. White has a Bachelor of Arts in History from Lynchburg College in Lynchburg, VA, and a Ph.D in Anatomy from The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center of The Pennsylvania State University.

Dr. White has received over 20 teaching awards including the Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teaching at the University of Pennsylvania, the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Basic Science Teaching at the Perelman School of Medicine. In 2010, Dr. White was elected as an honorary member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society.



01. The Language of Anatomy: Anatomic terms

02. The tissues and organs of Anatomy: Epithelial and Connective Tissue

03. The tissues and organs of Anatomy: Muscle and Nervous tissue

04. The Thoracic Wall; Bony and cartilaginous framework

05. The Thoracic Wall; Musculature, innervation and blood supply

06. Muscles of Respiration: How does the diaphragm work?

07. Muscles of Respiration: How do the intercostal muscles work?

08. Lungs and Pleura: Pleural relationships and respiration, Costodiaphragmatic recesses

09. Lungs; Lobes and fissures, Root of the lung

10. The Trachea: Branches and the Bronchopulmonary segments

11. Mediastinum: Superior Mediastinal Structures

12. Mediastinum: Posterior Mediastinal Structures

13. Heart and Pericardium: How the heart acts as two pumps in series

14. Anatomic locations of Atria and Ventricles

15. Atria, Ventricles; Internal anatomy

16. Heart: Atrioventricular and Semilunar valves; Heart auscultation

17. Heart: Arterial blood supply and venous drainage

18. Heart and Lungs; The autonomic nervous system and their autonomic innervation

19. Electrical conduction system of the heart; the electrocardiogram


20. Respiratory Histology; Trachea and bronchi

21. Respiratory Histology; Bronchioles and alveoli

22. Heart; Histology of the heart wall


23. Thoracic Imaging 1; Cross sectional CT’s

24. Thoracic Imaging 2; Functional MRI’s, Arteriograms, Clinical aspects

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Thoracic Anatomy

115.0 USD

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